Simtec Solutions Ltd is pleased to be able to offer training needs in many areas through our valued partnership with The Tess Group & Tess Compliance & Safety.
We can offer courses and training through our partners in the following areas, if a course you are interested in is not shown please feel free to contact us to see if we can help.
- The possibility of Level 2 & 3 Funded NVQs (Dependent upon funding available and location) Contact us for more details
- Traffic Management – Specialised training for Chapter 8, Chapter 12 and Community Safety Accreditation for traffic management.
- Security – A variety of SIA courses including: Door Supervisor; CCTV; Providing Security Services. As well as conflict resolution, Physical Intervention skills, Critical Incident Debriefing and Community Safety Accreditation for street warden/hospital security or shopping centre schemes.
- Management – Specialised consultancy and solutions based training, which includes: Managing events from SAG to Safety Officer Provision; Events safety training at NVQ levels 3 and 4; Traffic Management for Managers, Leadership; Health and Safety management and Police Management training.
- Safety – An experienced, in house & expert team ready to support your training needs for: Health and Safety; Fire Safety; First Person on Scene; Manual Handling; Fork Lift Driver competency.
- Compliance – Utilising public service trainers from police and private industry we have a depth of experience to provide you with: Police Skills training; CPC Driver training and Risk Management.
Security Risk Assessment & Consultancy
Companies are in business to secure a profit. Crime reduction measures will not show an obvious return on investment. It will not in the short term serve to improve efficiency, widen your product range or improve your market potential. In the long term it may, however, affect all those important areas.
How can Simtec Solutions Ltd assist you in developing a crime reduction strategy?
Initial Action:
Liaise with the management and conduct an in depth risk assessment covering all the aspects of the company’s operations. Using this, a full comprehensive report will be supplied showing vulnerable areas of the business that need addressing. This is a 3 day process.
Following on from the initial assessment we then offer our next
This creates a positive effect on your business for all employees and visitors to see that you have an active security policy in place. We can supply testimonials to show how we achieve positive results!
You can also acquire your own high calibre Security Consultant.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
Simtec Solutions Ltd offer Drug & Alcohol testing for employees in the workplace.
Studies have shown that employees under the influence of drugs or alcohol are four times more likely to have an accident at work than their colleagues.
The inappropriate use of alcohol or drugs can seriously affect an individual’s performance at work, increasing reaction times, impairing perception and leading to poor decision making.
The effects of drugs and alcohol on a person conducting a safety critical job such as driving a vehicle, using heavy equipment or using machinery with moving parts can literally be lethal.
Drugs and alcohol can have a truly damaging effect on the workplace, affecting not only ‘safety critical’ jobs that need a high level of alertness to stay safe, but even ‘business critical’ roles where the consequences of a lapse of focus can have expensive ramifications.
Fallout from ‘the morning after’ effect can be catastrophic and a recent white paper showed at least 1 in 30 UK employees has drugs in their system at any point in time (which equates to nearly 1 million people across the UK workforce).
Statistics show that there is a £6.4bn annual loss to UK commerce caused by alcohol alone:
- Around 200,000 people turn up at work every day with a hangover
- Up to 17 million sick days are taken each year in the UK because of alcohol
- Men drinking more than 14 units a week are 20% more likely to be absent from work because of injury
Despite this, over 1 in 5 businesses we surveyed, said they did not have or did not know if they had a drugs and alcohol policy in place. However, drugs and alcohol are not just a problem for employers and the economy; they can also lead to social, psychological and medical problems for your employees, including dependence.
Covert & Counter Surveillance
Both covert and counter surveillance services are available.
Direct contact is required for these specialist services.